Sufficient for Today

You don’t need anyone to tell you that being ‘locked down’ is difficult – emotionally, mentally and relationally.  If we knew we’d be locked down for just one day or even one week (or even two weeks) it wouldn’t be nearly as hard.  If we see the light at the end of the tunnel, enduring the dark tunnel is much easier.  Unfortunately, we don’t know how long we’ll face this crisis.  That especially makes us anxious.  I’ve noticed, over the past few weeks, that it’s especially when I start thinking about the future, that I get anxious.  One verse that keeps coming to mind is our Lord Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:34 – “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Jesus spoke these words originally to his disciples in his famous Sermon on the Mount.  The disciples, some of whom literally left their fishing nets to follow Jesus, were tempted to be anxious about having enough food and clothing.  Jesus, in Matthew 6:25-34, reasons with their anxious hearts, giving them good reasons not to worry.  His final reason is in verse 34.  It’s such practical wisdom, the kind of wisdom we need to live sanely during this difficult time.  And, “it works.” 

On days when I’ve taken Jesus’ words to heart – and concerned myself with today’s challenges and responsibilities, I’ve been relatively at peace.  On days when I’ve started thinking about the next several months of troubles, I’ve felt overwhelmed with anxiety.  If you were asked to eat a whole elephant in one bite, of course you’d be overwhelmed.  But we can manage with one bite at a time.  And we’ll “manage” getting through this Coronavirus crisis better, if we take our King’s words to heart – and take things one day at a time.  Try it.  Take Jesus’ words to heart.

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